MyFairMoney collaborated with


MyFairMoney is an independent, non-profit, non-commercial resource platform on sustainable investing. Our mission is to provide retail investors with educational resources on sustainable investing, as well as details on the sustainability performance of financial products. MyFairMoney was built by the Sustainable Finance Observatory (formerly 2° Investing Initiative) and has collaborated with the following institutions.

The goal of the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users ‒ BETTER FINANCE (BF) ‒ is to act as an independent financial expertise center to the direct benefit of European financial services users. Those include individual and small shareholders, fund and other retail investors, savers, pension fund participants, life insurance policyholders, borrowers, and other stakeholders who are independent from the financial industry. As such, BETTER FINANCE provides independent expertise and advocacy for EU citizens in general.

For more information about Better Finance.

The Czech Consumer Association (Sdružení českých spotřebitelů, SCS), is a civic association (NGO) established in 1990; it sees its priorities in the development of activities which focus on supporting a precautious (= “preventive”) approach and system tools in the field of consumer protection. These activities aim at enhancing relations between service providers of and consumers. Communication, distribution of information, formulating opinions and comments to various issues are key factors and conditions of SCS involvement and activities.

For more information about SČS.

WWF is an independent conservation organisation, with over 30 million supporters and a global network active through local leadership in nearly 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. The European Policy Office contributes to the achievement of WWF’s global mission by leading the WWF network to shape EU policies impacting on the European and global environment. 

For more information about WWF

Définition | WWF - Fonds mondial pour la nature - World Wild Fund